1626 / 33

Underground Description

ARGE cave.
3 lines of the survexfile, then all the *begin lines:
*begin 33
*begin Horizontalteil
*begin 1

*begin 11
*begin 12
*begin 15
*begin 16
*begin 17
*begin 18
*begin 19
*begin 2
*begin 21
*begin 22
*begin 23
*begin 25
*begin 26
*begin 27
*begin 3
*begin 5
*begin 6
*begin 7
*begin 8


This is (probably) an ARGE cave where we only have the survex file and no other information

New Entrance

Survex File(s)

All survexfiles for this cave (if any)
Primary survex file for this cave
Download .3d file 1626-33.3d
cave survex path '1626/33/'