Base Camp - Grabenbach Canyon

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Base Camp

Wed 30 Jul 2003    Thu 31 Jul 2003

Brian Outram
Julian Todd Mon 28 Jul 2003 Mon 04 Aug 2003
Martin Green Tue 29 Jul 2003 Mon 04 Aug 2003
Wed 30 Jul 2003
Julian Todd

(Dinner day) Grabenbach canyon. We did it. It rained on the way down and we made it back to the dinner with 1 minute to spare. Here's the survey.

Walk up: 45mins. Canyon down: 3hrs 30.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2003#17 ['notes', 'plan']
    2003#18 ['watnobutcombeplan', 'notes']
    2003#32 ['notes2', 'notes1']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Survey down Unconformity + push in Rhino Rift
    204 - Razor Dance
    Base Camp - Grabenbach Canyon