New User Registration
for someone who has never attended Expo

Register your email address

You need to register before you can fill out the 'signup' form to request to attend Expo.

This will eventually sign you up automatically to the expo email list. So type in the same email address that you use there if you have already signed up to that.

Your name

Use the name you are usually known by "officially": this is usually the name on your passport. But if you habitually use your second forename, not the first forename, use that. Yes, you can put in any 'de', 'van' or 'von' or whatever 'nobiliary particle' you have, or a hyphenated surname; but this must be your real name. Nicknames and fun names are done later.

Unfortunately cavers tend to use weird and playful names when signing up for things, so we can't automatically connect the troggle names and ids with the email addresses on the email list. And we don't believe in signing people up for things without their direct permission anyway. Having said that, when you register here we will sign you up automatically to the expo email list as that is how expo manages everything and it is a condition of coming on expo. (You can unsubscribe from the email list after expo.)

But the automatic sign-up to the email list is not working yet, and may not be before April 2025. So if you don't want to miss out on anything important, make sure you sign up to the email list right now.

Students !

Please do not use an email address which will expire when you leave your current institution. This will happen much sooner than you can possibly believe. If you realise that you have done this on the email list, you can change it at the bottom of this page.

What happens next

Clicking the big blue button will send you an email which will contain a login token. Click on the link in the email and you will be able to set your own login password. Use this to login to troggle and go to the Expo Signup form.

Security note

We never store passwords at all, we only store a cryptographic hash. We do store your email address but only 'in clear' inside the live database online where it is accessible only to the database administrators. There is no troggle report which publishes your email address. For permanent storage all email addresses are encrypted. Your real name and troggle username is public however, and we do not have anonymous people attending expo.

The password we will be asking for is solely for logging into troggle. The troggle login is used to track who is editing the current and past expo data, website content, and historic survey data, as well as for accessing the expo Kanban software. It is not the same as the password you use to access your email with your email provider and it is not the same as the password you use to interact with the expo email list.