07.11 Dave F (½ hr) rig entrance pitch
07.12 Del, Dave F (8 hrs) rig to squeeze, find Umleitung
07.12 DaveH (5½ hrs), Dave F rig traverse round Dreamtime
07.12 Wookey, Juliette (7 hrs) rig Adrians to head of large pitch found 1988, find Adrians->161b connection
07.12 Adam (1½ hrs) and Olly (¼ hr) find 161c
07.14 Adam, Jeremy (9 hrs) rig from squeeze to Knossos, find 30m pitch (Flat Battery)
07.14 Julian, DaveH (9½ hrs) find Rabbit Curry and Pit & Pendulum while waiting for Knossos to be rigged
07.14 Wookey, Juliette, Matt (7 hrs) push Adrian's from 161B down 45m pitch
07.14 Del, Dave F (8 hrs) push RHR, rig traverse over Gob ?
07.15 Julian, DaveH (8½ hrs) push QM in Flapjack
07.15 Del, Juliette (6½ hrs) rig FCII
07.15-16 Wookey, Dave F (16 hours) climb Staircase 36, down Strange Downfall and to Endless
07.16 Matt, Pete, Mark S. (7 hrs), Francis (6 hrs) finds bits round Big Sainsbury's
07.16 Lief, Janna, Hugh (4 hrs) replace bolt on 3rd pitch
07.16 MikeTA, Tina, Jared (9 hrs) push Dreamtime into Chunnel
07.17 Mark S., Leif, Tony, Matt (6 hrs) push from 2nd pitch in Dreamtime
07.17 Adam, Mark F (9 hrs) push Flat Battery
07.18 William, Mark D, Adam (10 hrs) push & survey Flat Battery
07.18-19 Jeremy (12½ hrs) & Francis (13½ hrs) push Dreamtime with Pete (4 hrs) then push down Endless
07.18-19 Wookey, Dave F (16 hrs) survey Vestabule and some in CFN
07.19 Dave H, Del (16 hrs) push down Too Much Too Soon
07.19 Mike R, Tina, Jared (10½ hrs) survey & rerig Dreamtime
07.20-21 Mark S, Julian (10 hrs) tourist to Endless
07.20-21 Wookey, Dave F, Pete (17 hrs) finish survey of Endless
07.21 Hugh, Tony, Francis (4½ hrs) rigging and survey in France
07.21 Mark D, William (9 hrs) push Flat Battery + survey
07.20 or 21 Jeremy, Juliette (12½ hrs) Too Much Too Soon abortive
07.22 Del, Francis, Dave H (16 hrs) finish off Too Much Too Soon
07.22 Jeremy (3 hrs), Juliette (5½ hrs) laying coax
07.24 William, Dave F (11 hrs) Mark D, Adam (12 hrs) Dreamtime & Flapjack II photo trip
07.24 Matt, Pete (7 hrs) push climb spotted by Del in Big Sainsbury's
07.25 Dave F, Matt, Pete (20 hrs) push below Endless
07.26 Adam, Mike, Jeremy (8½ hrs) push & survey Flat Battery
07.28 Joe, MikeTA (9 hrs) discover Powerstation
07.28 Mark D, Mark F, Tony, Paul S (9 hrs) photo trip to Yapate
07.28 Juliette, Del (7¾ hrs), Olly (8 hrs) to bottom of France surveying
07.29 Joe, Olly (11 hrs) push Powerstation
07.29 or 30? There must be a France derigging trip not written up ?
07.30 Mark D (2 hrs - left early but linked 161c), Del, Juliette, Wookey (16 hrs) push, survey and derig End of Flat Battery
07.30 Matt, Tim (8½ hrs) rerigging in Dreamtime
07.31 Matt, Tim (9½ hrs) rerigging in Dreamtime
07.31 Francis, Mark S, Pete (6 hrs) thwarted from pushing France by previous derig
08.01 Jeremy, Dave F (10 hrs) survey & derig Endless
08.03 Wookey, Tim (9 hrs) survey odd connections and derig some kit
08.04 Dave F, Julian (8 hrs) push side leads off CFN - find Burble
08.05 Wookey, Dave F (10 hrs) appear to finish Powerstation (not very legible)
0?.?? Mark F, Tanya, Tony, Paul S (9 hrs) climbing above Boulder Alley
08.06 Del, Dave F (10 hrs) fail to push (Sheared Off Known Better), derig to Bungalow
08.06 Francis, Olly, Tim (12 hrs) survey Powerstation and derig
08.06 Paul S, Juliette (3½ hrs) enlarge and survey 161b/161c link
08.07 Wookey, Pete (4½ hrs), Jeremy, Andy W (3 hrs) Paul, Juliette (6 hrs), Julian (TU ?) derig RH and Dreamtime (and all the other kit)
08.?? Matt (6 hrs), Francis (3½ hrs) derig Adrian's
08.08 Wookey (¾ hr), Dave F (20 min), Olly (surface) derig entrance