A walk through tunnel - Installation

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Dowloading Tunnel

You can get a copy of Tunnel at http://tunnel.sourceforge.net/projects/tunnelx or at the project homepage http://www.goatchurch.org.uk/tunnelx.

Download the latest zip archive.

The archive contains:

  • the program source files (Java files), in the directory src;
  • the precompiled bytecodes (Java classes), in the directory Tunnel;
  • a couple of scripts to start the program under Windows.

I expect that in the future it will come bundled with examples and documentation.

If you have CVS you can get a copy of Tunnel by checking it out from sourceforge. The CVS parameters are:

  • server type: pserver;
  • server url: cvs.sourceforge.net;
  • repository: /cvsroot/tunnelx;
  • username: anonymous (no password required);
  • module: tunnelx.

Since sourceforge cvs has a web interface, you can also browse it and download the files you need with your browser.

Windows users: The most effective way to use CVS under Windows is to download and install TortoiseCVS, http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ . Download the installer and execute it. It integrates nicely with Windows Explorer. At the end of the installation you have to restart your computer to get two new "cvs" submenus of the "File" menu in Windows Explorer. You will find the user manual on your desktop panel under "Start | Programs | Tortoisecvs".

Linux users: cvs is usually already included in any Linux distribution. The command to check-out a whole tree from a repository is:

 cvs  -d:pserver:anonymous@tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tunnelx login

after logging in (there is no password checkout the source using the following command:

cvs  -d:pserver:anonymous@tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tunnelx co tunnelx

Check the man page, "man cvs", or the cvs manual for more information.

Mac users: this is the same as linux

Downloading Java

As we said before, you need Java to run Tunnel. You can check whether Java is already installed on your machine by typing the command java -version at the command prompt.

Windows users: the "command prompt" is the window with black background that you get clicking on "Start" and entering the program name cmd. You can type commands in this window, and they get executed.

Linux users: under Linux, you can start a "Terminal" window selecting "Applications | System tools | Terminal", or something similar, depending on the window manager you are using.

Mac users: HELP_ME: java on mac

If you get an error message saying that java has not been found, do not despair. You might still have Java installed, but the program, ie, java itself, is not accessible because it is not in the path. in other words, the directory with the executable is not in the list of search directories where the system looks for programs.

Windows users: at this point you can search for the file java in your computer, with "Start | Search files ...". If found, its path will appear in the search result window. You can then change your path environment and add the directory where java is using the "Control panel" "System".

Linux users: search for java with the command "find / -name java". You can safely ignore errors (or redirect stderr to /dev/null); find will print the full pathname of java if it is found. You can then add its basename (the pathname without the final "/java") to your PATH: type "export PATH=$PATH:basename", using the proper string for "basename".

Mac users: java is always installed. Download the jar and double click or apple-o to start it. If you do not have Java, you can download it from http://java.sun.com Unless you want to compile Java programs you need only the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Go to the download page and select the JRE for your platform.

If you plan to compile Tunnel (or other Java code) you need the Java Development Kit (JDK).

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