A walk through tunnel - Getting tunnel

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This is a walk through "Tunnel", a graphical cave map drawing software. It is splitted into several chapters that will guide you through Tunnel, showing to you all its features on the way. We will start with a simple cave map to give you a feeling for what you can do with Tunnel. Then we will move to more complex examples that will uncover all the fancy things you can do with the program.

The data files and background images used in the examples are contained in data.tgz. After you have downloaded the archive, you need to uncompress it. The input files are all in the directory "sample". You must create work directories and move (or copy) the relevant files there. More specific instruction are given with the examples in the chapters.

However, before we start, you need to get Tunnel. Tunnel is written in Java; therefore you need to get also a Java virtual machine to run Tunnel, ie. if you do not have one already.

This is chapter one. At the end of it you will have tunnel installed and running.

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