
Account short name: sesh9
Number of transactions: 9

Negative amounts indicate that Sesh09 is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2016-07-24Jenny Black -116.28 (-140.10 EURO)sesh9
2016-11-13Elaine Oliver 17.5821.00/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Elliot Smith 21.5125.70/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Jenny Black 18.5822.20/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Katey Bender 0.03Unlucky: arithmetic error from sesh9 split
2016-11-13Katey Bender 16.9120.20/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Mark Dougherty 13.7216.40/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Michael Sargent 13.7216.40/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
2016-11-13Olly Betts 14.2317.00/138.90 of the total from Sesh09 (-116.28)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 13:00 on 2016-11-13.