Expo Account

Account short name: expoaccount
Number of transactions: 19

Negative amounts indicate that Expo Account is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2016-01-14Ghar Parau 50.00grant first part
2016-06-15Anthony Day -9.00starless river order
2016-06-15Chris Densham -78.00starless river order
2016-06-15David Walker -75.60starless river order
2016-06-15Elaine Oliver -103.40starless river order
2016-06-15Ian Peachey -46.50starless river order
2016-06-15Katey Bender -42.00starless river order
2016-06-15Matt Watson -18.40starless river order
2016-06-15Nat Dalton -15.00starless river order
2016-06-15Olly Betts -15.00starless river order
2016-06-15Roshni Gohil -70.00starless river order
2016-06-15Wookey -60.50starless river order
2016-06-15Gear -952.20starless river order
2016-06-17Alice Smith 100.00deposit
2016-06-17Ashley Gregg 100.00deposit
2016-06-17Nat Dalton 100.00deposit
2016-06-20Fleur Loveridge 200.00deposit
2016-06-20Ghar Parau 600.00grant
2016-06-21Michael Sargent 100.00deposit
Grand total:-235.60

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Processed at 13:00 on 2016-11-13.