Ghar Parau

Account short name: ghar-parau
Number of transactions: 4

Negative amounts indicate that Ghar Parau is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2008-07-07Expo bank account 400.00Grant from Ghar Parau
2008-07-07Grants Pool -400.00Grant from Ghar Parau
2008-08-27Expo bank account 100.00Grant money from Ghar Parau (2nd installment to come) FIXME
2008-08-27Grants Pool -100.00Grant money from Ghar Parau (2nd installment to come) FIXME
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 10:42 on 2008-09-26.