Aliases for people's names in 2023
This table below lists the possible unambiguous ways of identifying a person in a survex file or a logbook entry. This ridiculously long list of alternatives is derived from what people have actually done in the last 40 years.
Note that this is year specific: On a year with only one 'Sophie' then the identifier 'Sophie' will be fine. On a year with more than one Sophie, an additional disambiguation is required, such as a surnbame or the first letter of the surname. In the case of a year with two people called Ben, both of whose surnames begin with W (yes this has happened), the entire surname is required.
alias | who |
'El Stobbarto' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'ILoveCaves' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'a aldridge' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'a baldock' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'a erskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'a gregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'a kirby' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'a oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'a. aldridge' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'a. baldock' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'a. erskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'a. gregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'a. kirby' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'a. oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'aa' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'aaldridge' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'ab' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'abaldock' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'adam a' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'adam a.' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'adam aldridge' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'adam b' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'adam b.' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'adam baldock' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'adam e' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam e.' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam ej' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam ej e' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam ej e.' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam ej erskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam eje' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam ejerskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam erskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adam erskine-jones' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adama' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'adamaldridge' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'adamb' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'adambaldock' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'adame' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'adamerskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'ae' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'aerskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'ag' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'agregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ak' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'akirby' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'aldridge' | adam-aldridge: (2023) |
'ali' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alic' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alice' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alice k' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alice k.' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alice kirby' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alicek' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'alicekirby' | alice-kirby: (2023) |
'ame' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'amel' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'ameli' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'amelia' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'amelia o' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'amelia o.' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'amelia oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'ameliao' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'ameliaoliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'ao' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'aoliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'ash' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ash g' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ash g.' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ash gregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashgregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashl' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashle' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashley' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashley g' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashley g.' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashley gregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashleyg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'ashleygregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'b blake' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'b botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'b chaddock' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'b lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'b phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'b tent' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'b. blake' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'b. botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'b. chaddock' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'b. lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'b. phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'b. tent' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'baldock' | adam-baldock: (2023) |
'balister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'bblake' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'bbotcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'bc' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'bchaddock' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'bec' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'beck' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'becka' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'becka l' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'becka l.' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'becka lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'beckal' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'beckalawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'ben' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'ben c' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'ben c.' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'ben chaddock' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'benc' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'benchaddock' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'bie' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'bier' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'bier t' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'bier t.' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'bier tent' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'biert' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'biertent' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'bigtom' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bigtom p' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bigtom p.' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bigtom phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bigtomp' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bigtomphillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bl' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'blake' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'blawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'bogusz' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'botch' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'botch b' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'botch b.' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'botch botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'botchb' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'botchbotcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'bp' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'bphillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'brookes' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'bt' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'btent' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'buc' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'buck' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'buck b' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'buck b.' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'buck blake' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'buckb' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'buckblake' | buck-blake: (2023) |
'butcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'c crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'c kuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'c payne' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'c. crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'c. kuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'c. payne' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'caisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'caspers' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'cc' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'ccrossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'chaddock' | ben-chaddock: (2023) |
'charli' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charlie' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charlie c' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charlie c.' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charlie crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charliec' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charliecrossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'charlo' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'charlotte' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'charlotte p' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'charlotte p.' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'charlotte payne' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'charlottep' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'charlottepayne' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'chi' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chi k' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chi k.' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chi kuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chik' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chikuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chr' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chri' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'chris' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christ' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christian' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christian k' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christian k.' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christian kuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christiank' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'christiankuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'ck' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'ckuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'collings' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'cp' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'cpayne' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'd botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'd. botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'dav' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'dave' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'dave b' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'dave b.' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'dave botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'daveb' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'davebotcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'davi' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'david' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'david b' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'david b.' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'david botcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'davidb' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'davidbotcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'db' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'dbotcherby' | david-botcherby: (2023) |
'e brookes' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'e caspers' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'e mabbett' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'e surman' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'e. brookes' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'e. caspers' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'e. mabbett' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'e. surman' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'eb' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'ebrookes' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'ec' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'ecaspers' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'ely' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'ely b' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'ely b.' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'ely brookes' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'ely brookes-hefetz' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'elyb' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'elybrookes' | ely-brookes-hefetz: (2023) |
'em' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emabbett' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emi' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emil' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emily' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emily m' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emily m.' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emily mabbett' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emilym' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emilymabbett' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'emm' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'emma' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'emma c' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'emma c.' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'emma caspers' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'emmac' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'emmacaspers' | emma-caspers: (2023) |
'erskine' | adam-erskine-jones: (2023) |
'es' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'esurman' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'eve' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evel' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evely' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evelyn' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evelyn s' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evelyn s.' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evelyn surman' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evelyns' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'evelynsurman' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
'f parhofer' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'f tully' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'f. parhofer' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'f. tully' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'flo' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'flor' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'flori' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'floria' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'florian' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'florian p' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'florian p.' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'florian parhofer' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'florianp' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'florianparhofer' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'fp' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'fparhofer' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'fra' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'fran' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'frank' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'frank t' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'frank t.' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'frank tully' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'frankt' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'franktully' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'ft' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'ftully' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'giguere' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'green' | martin-green: (2023) |
'gregg' | ashley-gregg: (2023) |
'h bogusz' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'h collings' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'h kettle' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'h waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'h. bogusz' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'h. collings' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'h. kettle' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'h. waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hagrid' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hagrid w' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hagrid w.' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hagrid waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hagridw' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hagridwaite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'han' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hann' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hanna' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hannah' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hannah c' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hannah c.' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hannah collings' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hannahc' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hannahcollings' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'har' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harr' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harry' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harry k' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harry k.' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harry kettle' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harryk' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'harrykettle' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'hb' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'hbogusz' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'hc' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hcollings' | hannah-collings: (2023) |
'hk' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'hkettle' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'hon' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'hono' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honor' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honora' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honorata' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honorata b' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honorata b.' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honorata bogusz' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honoratab' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'honoratabogusz' | honorata-bogusz: (2023) |
'huns' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'hw' | james-waite: (2023) |
'hwaite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'j huns' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'j lester' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'j pine' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'j podbelsek' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'j stell' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'j stobbart' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'j waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'j. huns' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'j. lester' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'j. pine' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'j. podbelsek' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'j. stell' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'j. stobbart' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'j. waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'jam' | james-waite: (2023) |
'jame' | james-waite: (2023) |
'james' | james-waite: (2023) |
'james w' | james-waite: (2023) |
'james w.' | james-waite: (2023) |
'james waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'jamesw' | james-waite: (2023) |
'jameswaite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'jana' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'jana p' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'jana p.' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'jana podbelsek' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'janap' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'janapodbelsek' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'jani' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janis' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janis h' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janis h.' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janis huns' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janish' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janishuns' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'janssen' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'jh' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'jhuns' | janis-huns: (2023) |
'jl' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jlester' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'joe' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'joe s' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'joe s.' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'joe stell' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'joel' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'joel s' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'joel s.' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'joel stobbart' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'joels' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'joelstobbart' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'joes' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'joestell' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'jono' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jono l' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jono l.' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jono lester' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jonol' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jonolester' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'jont' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jonty' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jonty p' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jonty p.' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jonty pine' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jontyp' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jontypine' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jpine' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'jpodbelsek' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'jstell' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'jstobbart' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'jw' | james-waite: (2023) |
'jwaite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'k trusson' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'k. trusson' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kai' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kai t' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kai t.' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kai trusson' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kait' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kaitrusson' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kay' | will-kay: (2023) |
'kettle' | harry-kettle: (2023) |
'kt' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'ktrusson' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'kuhlmann' | christian-kuhlmann: (2023) |
'kyne' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'l caisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'l giguere' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'l stangroom' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'l. caisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'l. giguere' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'l. stangroom' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'lc' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lcaisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lea' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'lea g' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'lea g.' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'lea giguere' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'lea giguere-richards' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'leag' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'leagiguere' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'lee' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'lester' | jono-lester: (2023) |
'lg' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'lgiguere' | lea-giguere-richards: (2023) |
'liz' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizz' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzi' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzie' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzie c' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzie c.' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzie caisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizziec' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizziecaisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzy' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzy c' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzy c.' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzy caisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzyc' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'lizzycaisley' | lizzie-caisley: (2023) |
'ls' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'lstangroom' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'luk' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'luke' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'luke s' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'luke s.' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'luke stangroom' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'lukes' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'lukestangroom' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'm butcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'm green' | martin-green: (2023) |
'm kirby' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'm matthews' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'm oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'm shinwell' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'm weiser' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'm wuits' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'm. butcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'm. green' | martin-green: (2023) |
'm. kirby' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'm. matthews' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'm. oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'm. shinwell' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'm. weiser' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'm. wuits' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'mabbett' | emily-mabbett: (2023) |
'macleod' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'mad' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'madd' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddi' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddie' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddie k' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddie k.' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddie kirby' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddiek' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'maddiekirby' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'man' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manf' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfr' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfre' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfred' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfred w' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfred w.' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfred wuits' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfredw' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'manfredwuits' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'mark' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'mark s' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'mark s.' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'mark shinwell' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'marks' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'markshinwell' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'mart' | martin-green: (2023) |
'marti' | martin-green: (2023) |
'martin' | martin-green: (2023) |
'martin g' | martin-green: (2023) |
'martin g.' | martin-green: (2023) |
'martin green' | martin-green: (2023) |
'marting' | martin-green: (2023) |
'martingreen' | martin-green: (2023) |
'matthews' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'max' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'max w' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'max w.' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'max weiser' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'maxw' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'maxweiser' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'mb' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mbutcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mealy' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'mealy o' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'mealy o.' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'mealy oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'mealyo' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'mealyoliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'mer' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merr' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merry' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merryn' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merryn m' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merryn m.' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merryn matthews' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merrynm' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'merrynmatthews' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'mg' | martin-green: (2023) |
'mgreen' | martin-green: (2023) |
'michael' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'michael b' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'michael b.' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'michael butcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'michaelb' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'michaelbutcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mik' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mike' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mike b' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mike b.' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mike butcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikeb' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikeb b' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikeb b.' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikeb butcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikebb' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikebbutcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mikebutcher' | mike-butcher: (2023) |
'mk' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'mkirby' | maddie-kirby: (2023) |
'mm' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'mmatthews' | merryn-matthews: (2023) |
'mo' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'moliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'ms' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'mshinwell' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'mweiser' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'mwuits' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'n raeburn' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'n walker' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'n. raeburn' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'n. walker' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nad' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadi' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadia' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadia r' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadia r.' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadia raeburn' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadia raeburn-cherradi' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadia rc' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadiar' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nadiaraeburn' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nat' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nath' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'natha' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nathan' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nathan w' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nathan w.' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nathan walker' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nathanw' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nathanwalker' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nobrotson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'nr' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nraeburn' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'nw' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'nwalker' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'o kyne' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'o. kyne' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oak' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oake' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oakem' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oakem k' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oakem k.' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oakem kyne' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oakemk' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oakemkyne' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'ok' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'okyne' | oakem-kyne: (2023) |
'oliver' | amelia-oliver: (2023) |
'p balister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'p sargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'p. balister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'p. sargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'parhofer' | florian-parhofer: (2023) |
'parker' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'payne' | charlotte-payne: (2023) |
'pb' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'pbalister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'phil b' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'phil b.' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'phil balister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'phil s' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'phil s.' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'phil sargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'philb' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philbalister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philip b' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philip b.' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philip balister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philip s' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'philip s.' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'philip sargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'philipb' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philipbalister' | philip-balister: (2023) |
'philips' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'philipsargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'phils' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'philsargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'pine' | jonty-pine: (2023) |
'podbelsek' | jana-podbelsek: (2023) |
'ps' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'psargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'r lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'r macleod' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'r waszkiewicz' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'r watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'r. lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'r. macleod' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'r. waszkiewicz' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'r. watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'rad' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'rado' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'rados' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'radost' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'radost w' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'radost w.' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'radost waszkiewicz' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'radostw' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'radostwaszkiewicz' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'raeburn' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'rebecca' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rebecca l' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rebecca l.' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rebecca lawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rebeccal' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rebeccalawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rl' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rlawson' | becka-lawson: (2023) |
'rm' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'rmacleod' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'rob' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'rob w' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'rob w.' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'rob watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robert' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robert w' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robert w.' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robert watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robertw' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robertwatson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robw' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'robwatson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'rua' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruai' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruair' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairi' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairidh' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairidh m' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairidh m.' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairidh macleod' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairidhm' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'ruairidhmacleod' | ruairidh-macleod: (2023) |
'rwaszkiewicz' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'rwatson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
's lee' | sam-lee: (2023) |
's parker' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
's. lee' | sam-lee: (2023) |
's. parker' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sam' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'sam l' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'sam l.' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'sam lee' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'saml' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'samlee' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'sar' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sara' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sarah' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sarah p' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sarah p.' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sarah parker' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sarahp' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sarahparker' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sargent' | philip-sargent: (2023) |
'shinwell' | mark-shinwell: (2023) |
'sl' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'slee' | sam-lee: (2023) |
'sp' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'sparker' | sarah-parker: (2023) |
'stangroom' | luke-stangroom: (2023) |
'stell' | joe-stell: (2023) |
'stobbart' | joel-stobbart: (2023) |
'surman' | evelyn-surman: (2023) |
't crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
't phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
't. crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
't. phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tc' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tcrossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tent' | bier-tent: (2023) |
'tho' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thom' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thoma' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thomas' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thomas p' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thomas p.' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thomas phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thomasp' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'thomasphillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tinywoman' | nadia-raeburn-cherradi: (2023) |
'tom c' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tom c.' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tom crossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tom p' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tom p.' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tom phillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tomc' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tomcrossley' | charlie-crossley: (2023) |
'tomp' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tomphillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tp' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'tphillips' | thomas-phillips: (2023) |
'trusson' | kai-trusson: (2023) |
'tully' | frank-tully: (2023) |
'w janssen' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'w kay' | will-kay: (2023) |
'w watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'w. janssen' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'w. kay' | will-kay: (2023) |
'w. watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'waite' | james-waite: (2023) |
'walker' | nathan-walker: (2023) |
'was' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wass' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassi' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassil' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassil j' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassil j.' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassil janssen' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassilj' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wassiljanssen' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'waszkiewicz' | radost-waszkiewicz: (2023) |
'watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'weiser' | max-weiser: (2023) |
'wil' | will-kay: (2023) |
'will' | will-kay: (2023) |
'will k' | will-kay: (2023) |
'will k.' | will-kay: (2023) |
'will kay' | will-kay: (2023) |
'willk' | will-kay: (2023) |
'willkay' | will-kay: (2023) |
'wj' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wjanssen' | wassil-janssen: (2023) |
'wk' | will-kay: (2023) |
'wkay' | will-kay: (2023) |
'wob rotson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'wob rotson w' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'wob rotson w.' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'wob rotson watson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'wob rotsonw' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'wob rotsonwatson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'woodford' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'wuits' | manfred-wuits: (2023) |
'ww' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'wwatson' | rob-watson: (2023) |
'z woodford' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'z. woodford' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zac' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zac w' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zac w.' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zac woodford' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zacw' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zacwoodford' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zw' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
'zwoodford' | zac-woodford: (2023) |
who | aliases |
The aliases below are specified in the folk.csv file. Only one alias is possible in that format. The specified alias ('nickname') is used in the table above to construct possible unambiguous identifiers.
First | Last | Full name | Nickname | expo first | expo last |
Wookey | Wookey | Wook | 1988 | 2024 | |
Fernando | Abarquero | Fernando Abarquero | Fer | 2011 | 2011 |
Hugh | Adams | Hugh Adams | 1993 | 1995 | |
Rob | Adams | Rob Adams | Robert | 2011 | 2014 |
Adam | Aldridge | Adam Aldridge | 2017 | 2023 | |
Michael | Allen | Michael Allen | 2000 | 2000 | |
Craig | Anderson | Craig Anderson | 1996 | 1996 | |
Gunilla | Andrée | Gunilla Andrée | 1996 | 1996 | |
Gavin | Andrews | Gavin Andrews | 1985 | 1985 | |
Keiran | Appadoo | Keiran Appadoo | 2022 | 2022 | |
Jan | Arnerdal | <span lang="sv">Jan Arnerdal</span> | 1990 | 1990 | |
Andrew | Atkinson | Andrew Atkinson | Andy | 1991 | 2019 |
Joe | Bache | Joe Bache | 2013 | 2015 | |
Ken | Baker | Ken Baker | 1980 | 1980 | |
Adam | Baldock | Adam Baldock | 2023 | 2023 | |
Philip | Balister | Philip Balister | 2015 | 2025 | |
Jon | Barber | Jon Barber | 1997 | 1997 | |
Rich | Barker | Rich Barker | 1981 | 1981 | |
Lara | Bartleet | Lara Bartleet | 2024 | 2025 | |
Mike | Baslington | Mike Baslington | 1997 | 1997 | |
Phil | Batten | Phil Batten | 1996 | 1997 | |
Steve | Bellhouse | Steve Bellhouse | 1994 | 1998 | |
Katey | Bender | Katey Bender | 2014 | 2017 | |
Stuart | Bennett | Stuart Bennett | 2004 | 2012 | |
Matthew | Bent | Matthew Bent | Matt | 2006 | 2006 |
Morven | Beranek | Morven Beranek-Stanley | 2007 | 2007 | |
Olly | Betts | Olly Betts | Ol | 1990 | 2016 |
John | Billings | John Billings | 2006 | 2007 | |
Paul | Bilton | Paul Bilton | 1995 | 1995 | |
Steve | Bishop | Steve Bishop | 2002 | 2002 | |
Jenny | Black | Jenny Black | 2004 | 2016 | |
Jim | Blackford | Jim Blackford | 2018 | 2018 | |
Buck | Blake | Buck Blake | 2023 | 2025 | |
Robert | Bloodworth | Robert Bloodworth | Bob Bloodworthy | 1994 | 1994 |
Honorata | Bogusz | Honorata Bogusz | 2023 | 2023 | |
David | Botcherby | David Botcherby | Botch | 2023 | 2023 |
Ryan | Boultbee | Ryan Boultbee | 2018 | 2018 | |
John | Bowers | John Bowers | 1978 | 1983 | |
Holly | Bradley | Holly Bradley | 2009 | 2014 | |
Callum | Braithwaite | Callum Braithwaite | 2014 | 2014 | |
George | Breley | George Breley | 2015 | 2018 | |
Rosa | Brew | Rosa Brew | 2024 | 2024 | |
Michael | Brigham | Michael Brigham | 2019 | 2019 | |
Dave | Brindle | Dave Brindle | 1981 | 1983 | |
Ian | Brindle | Ian Brindle | 1982 | 1982 | |
Kristian | Brook | Kristian Brook | 2017 | 2022 | |
Ely | Brookes | Ely Brookes-Hefetz | 2019 | 2023 | |
Aileen | Brown | Aileen Brown | 2019 | 2019 | |
Jane | Brown | Jane Brown | 1988 | 1988 | |
Vic | Brown | Vic Brown | 1976 | 1978 | |
Hilary | Bryden | Hilary Bryden-Brown | 1976 | 1976 | |
Cameron | Bullen | Cameron Bullen | 2013 | 2013 | |
Mike | Burgess | Mike Burgess | 1980 | 1980 | |
Chris | Burnley | Chris Burnley | 2013 | 2013 | |
Chas | Butcher | Chas Butcher | 1981 | 1983 | |
Mike | Butcher | Mike Butcher | MikeB | 2017 | 2023 |
Mark | Byers | Mark Byers | 2000 | 2000 | |
Lizzie | Caisley | Lizzie Caisley | 2007 | 2023 | |
James | Carlisle | James Carlisle | 2007 | 2007 | |
Emma | Caspers | Emma Caspers | 2023 | 2023 | |
Ben | Chaddock | Ben Chaddock | 2023 | 2023 | |
Andy | Chapman | Andy Chapman | 2010 | 2014 | |
Alex | Cheesman | Alex Cheesman | 2002 | 2002 | |
Jacob | Chuck | Jacob Chuck | 2024 | 2024 | |
Aaron | Clair | Aaron Clair | 2022 | 2022 | |
Tom | Clayton | Tom Clayton | 2013 | 2013 | |
Pete | Clifton | Pete Clifton | 2004 | 2005 | |
Hannah | Collings | Hannah Collings | 2022 | 2025 | |
Dave | Collins | Dave Collins | Scout | 1994 | 1995 |
Duncan | Collis | Duncan Collis | Dunks | 1995 | 2012 |
Sarah | Connelly | Sarah Connolly | 2017 | 2017 | |
Andy | Connolly | Andy Connolly | 1979 | 1980 | |
Andy | Cooke | Andy Cooke | 1996 | 1996 | |
Adam | Cooper | Adam Cooper | 1988 | 1997 | |
John | Cordingley | John Cordingley | 1989 | 1989 | |
John | Cownie | John Cownie | 1981 | 1981 | |
Mike | Cox | Mike Cox | 2001 | 2001 | |
Charlie | Crossley | Charlie Crossley | Tom | 2018 | 2023 |
Alex | Crow | Alex Crow | 2011 | 2013 | |
Aaron | Curtis | Aaron Curtis | 2006 | 2008 | |
Nat | Dalton | Nat Dalton | Nathaniel | 2014 | 2024 |
Spencer | Davey | Spencer Davey | 1993 | 1993 | |
Andrew | Davidson | Andrew Davidson | 1994 | 1994 | |
Dinny | Davies | Dinny Davies | 2022 | 2022 | |
Ellie | Davies | Ellie Davies | 2024 | 2024 | |
Nicky | Davies | Nicky Davies | 1978 | 1983 | |
Anthony | Day | Anthony Day | Dour | 1993 | 2024 |
Julia | Day | Julia Day | Julia Bradshaw | 1999 | 2024 |
Edvin | Deadman | Edvin Deadman | 2007 | 2011 | |
Chris | Densham | Chris Densham | 1987 | 2025 | |
Brian | Derby | Brian Derby | 1984 | 1985 | |
Adelaide | Diesbach | Adelaide de Diesbach | 2018 | 2018 | |
Kevin | Dixon | Kevin Dixon | 2025 | 2025 | |
Andy | Dolby | Andy Dolby | 1982 | 1984 | |
Corin | Donne | Corin Donne | 2017 | 2019 | |
Mark | Dougherty | Mark Dougherty | 1988 | 2017 | |
Sophie | Draper | Sophie Draper | 2014 | 2014 | |
James | Eckersley | James Eckersley | 1995 | 1995 | |
Aled | Elmore | Aled Elmore | 2014 | 2014 | |
Adam | Erskine | Adam Erskine-Jones | Adam EJ | 2023 | 2024 |
Tim | Farrar | Tim Farrar | 1990 | 1990 | |
Andy | Farrow | Andy Farrow | 1987 | 1987 | |
Simon | Farrow | Simon Farrow | 1977 | 1979 | |
David | Fearon | David Fearon | Damage | 1990 | 1996 |
Mark | Fearon | Mark Fearon | 1988 | 1996 | |
Aggy | Finn | Aggy Finn | 1992 | 1992 | |
Doug | Florence | Doug Florence | 1978 | 1989 | |
Simon | Flower | Simon Flower | 1999 | 2000 | |
Colin | Foord | Colin Foord | 2024 | 2024 | |
Andreas | Forsberg | Andreas Forsberg | 2007 | 2007 | |
Dave | Fox | Dave Fox | 1976 | 1978 | |
Paul | Fox | Paul Fox | 2018 | 2022 | |
Andrea | Futrell | Andrea Futrell | 2014 | 2015 | |
Mike | Futrell | Mike Futrell | 2013 | 2015 | |
Dave | Galvin | Dave Galvin | 1993 | 1993 | |
Paddy | Gaunt | Paddy Gaunt | 1982 | 1982 | |
Danielle | Gemenis | Danielle Gemenis | Dan | 1998 | 1998 |
Clive | George | Clive George | 1992 | 1999 | |
Lea | Giguere | Lea Giguere-Richards | 2023 | 2023 | |
Andy | Goddard | Andy Goddard | 1989 | 1989 | |
Roshni | Gohil | Roshni Gohil | 2016 | 2016 | |
Judith | Greaves | Judith Greaves | 1981 | 1982 | |
Hilary | Greaves | Hilary Greaves | Hils | 2001 | 2001 |
Martin | Green | Martin Green | 2000 | 2023 | |
Ashley | Gregg | Ashley Gregg | Ash | 2016 | 2023 |
Naomi | Griffiths | Naomi Griffiths | 1983 | 1983 | |
Julian | Griffiths | Julian Griffiths | 1977 | 1983 | |
Julian | Haines | Julian Haines | 1991 | 2003 | |
Brendan | Hall | Brendan Hall | 2015 | 2017 | |
Olly | Hall | Olly Hall | 2018 | 2018 | |
James | Hallihan | James Hallihan | 2025 | 2025 | |
Paul | Hammond | Paul Hammond | 1996 | 1999 | |
Alex | Hanam | Alex Hannam | 2017 | 2022 | |
Tom | Handford | Tom Handford | 2006 | 2006 | |
Reuben | Harding | Reuben Harding | 2019 | 2019 | |
Letty | Harkel | Letty ten Harkel | 2001 | 2001 | |
Pete | Harley | Pete Harley | 2006 | 2008 | |
Ian | Harris | Ian Harris | 1991 | 1991 | |
Dave | Harrison | Dave Harrison | 1976 | 1976 | |
Fay | Hartley | Fay Hartley | 2000 | 2000 | |
Ralph | Harwood | Ralph Harwood | 1994 | 1996 | |
Jess | Hatchett | Jess Hatchett | 2009 | 2009 | |
Sioned | Haughton | Sioned Haughton | Sion | 2016 | 2016 |
Jon | Hauser | Jon Hauser | 2011 | 2011 | |
Bill | Hawkswell | Bill Hawkswell | 1984 | 1990 | |
Daniel | Heins | Daniel Heins | Dan | 2019 | 2019 |
Adam | Henry | Adam Henry | 2011 | 2018 | |
Sophie | Hentschel | Sophie Hentschel | 2014 | 2014 | |
Matthew | Hicks | Matthew Hicks | 1996 | 1996 | |
Thomas | Holder | Thomas Holder | 2011 | 2011 | |
Michael | Holliday | Michael Holliday | 2018 | 2019 | |
Christopher | Holt | Christopher Holt | Chris | 2018 | 2025 |
Theo | Honohan | Theo Honohan | 1999 | 1999 | |
Ned | Hopes | Ned Hopes | 2025 | 2025 | |
Kathryn | Hopkins | Kathryn Hopkins | 2007 | 2011 | |
Leif | Hornsved | <span lang="sv">Leif Hornsved</span> | 1990 | 1990 | |
Adrian | Horrel | Adrian Horrel | 2011 | 2011 | |
Dave | Horsley | Dave Horsley | 1996 | 2000 | |
Sean | Houlihane | Sean Houlihane | 1994 | 1998 | |
David | Howes | David Howes | 1989 | 1992 | |
Cat | Hulse | Cat Hulse | Cat Henry | 2011 | 2018 |
Janis | Huns | Janis Huns | 2023 | 2023 | |
Rachel | Hunter | Rachel Hunter | 1992 | 1992 | |
Lucy | Hyde | Lucy Hyde | 2022 | 2025 | |
Balázs | Izapy | <span lang="hu">Balázs Izapy</span> | 1995 | 1995 | |
Martin | Jahnke | Martin Jahnke | 2008 | 2010 | |
Kate | Janossy | Kate Janossy | 1994 | 1998 | |
Wassil | Janssen | Wassil Janssen | 2022 | 2024 | |
Dave | Johnson | Dave Johnson | 1995 | 1995 | |
Dave | Johnson | Dave Johnson | Stonker | 1987 | 1988 |
Adrian | Jones | Adrian Jones | 2025 | 2025 | |
Tess | Jones | Tess Jones | 1993 | 2024 | |
Steve | Jones | Steve Jones | 1998 | 2009 | |
Olaf | Kähler | Olaf Kähler | 2011 | 2012 | |
Will | Kay | Will Kay | 2023 | 2023 | |
Matt | Keeling | Matt Keeling | 1990 | 1992 | |
Simon | Kellet | Simon Kellet | Skellet | 1979 | 1981 |
Juliette | Kelly | Juliette Kelly | 1989 | 1997 | |
Andrew | Ketley | Andrew Ketley | 1997 | 1997 | |
Harry | Kettle | Harry Kettle | 2019 | 2025 | |
Typhon | King | Typhon King | 2018 | 2018 | |
Alice | Kirby | Alice Kirby | 2022 | 2025 | |
Maddie | Kirby | Maddie Kirby | 2023 | 2023 | |
Andreas | Klocker | Andreas Klocker | 2022 | 2022 | |
Sandy | Knapp | Sandy Knapp | 2015 | 2015 | |
Julia | Kostelnyk | Julia Kostelnyk | 1977 | 1980 | |
Aidan | Kuhlmann | Aidan Kuhlmann | 2024 | 2024 | |
Christian | Kuhlmann | Christian Kuhlmann | Chi | 2023 | 2024 |
Stefan | Kukula | Stefan Kukula | 1985 | 1985 | |
Andy | Kuszyk | Andy Kuszyk | 2015 | 2015 | |
Oakem | Kyne | Oakem Kyne | 2022 | 2023 | |
Pete | Lancaster | Pete Lancaster | Planc | 1981 | 1989 |
Eric | Landgraf | Eric C Landgraf | 2022 | 2022 | |
Mary | Lane | Mary Lane | 1997 | 1997 | |
Fran | Lane | Fran Lane | 1991 | 1996 | |
Carol | Lawrence | Carol Lawrence | 2025 | 2025 | |
Becka | Lawson | Becka Lawson | 1987 | 2025 | |
Carole | Leach | Carole Leach | 1976 | 1978 | |
Jont | Leach | Jont Leach | 1976 | 1978 | |
Rod | Leach | Rod Leach | 1976 | 1978 | |
Lydia | Leather | Lydia Clare Leather | Lydia-Clare | 2017 | 2018 |
Sam | Lee | Sam Lee | 2023 | 2023 | |
Simon | Lee | Simon Lee | 2000 | 2000 | |
Dan | Lenartowicz | Dan Lenartowicz | 2015 | 2015 | |
Joe | Lenartowicz | Joe Lenartowicz | 1988 | 1990 | |
Jono | Lester | Jono Lester | 2022 | 2024 | |
Sam | Lieberman | Sam Lieberman | 1992 | 1997 | |
Gill | Lindsey | Gill Lindsey | 1991 | 1996 | |
Dave | Loeffler | Dave Loeffler | 2002 | 2012 | |
Jane | Lolly | Jane Lolly | 1981 | 1981 | |
Glen | Long | Glen Long | 1992 | 1992 | |
Pete | Lord | Pete Lord | 1993 | 1996 | |
Fleur | Loveridge | Fleur Loveridge | 2013 | 2019 | |
Sieds | Lykles | Sieds Lykles | 2024 | 2024 | |
Erin | Lynch | Erin Lynch | 1999 | 1999 | |
Tim | Lyons | Tim Lyons | 1980 | 1981 | |
Emily | Mabbett | Emily Mabbett | 2022 | 2023 | |
Fraser | MacDonald | Fraser MacDonald | 1981 | 1981 | |
Daniel | Mace | Daniel Mace | 1989 | 1991 | |
Ruairidh | MacLeod | Ruairidh MacLeod | 2017 | 2024 | |
Olly | Madge | Olly Madge | 2003 | 2012 | |
Eeva | Makiranta | Eeva Makiranta | 2008 | 2008 | |
Tony | Malcolm | Tony Malcolm | 1979 | 1983 | |
Marie | Marie | Marie Donovan | 2024 | 2024 | |
Stefan | Mark | Stefan Mark | 2011 | 2011 | |
Aidan | Marks | Aidan Marks | 2016 | 2017 | |
Gwyneth | Martin | Gwyneth Martin | 1988 | 1988 | |
Mike | Martin | Mike Martin | 1981 | 1988 | |
Pat | Martin | Pat Martin | 1981 | 1981 | |
Amy | Matthews | Amy Matthews | 2011 | 2011 | |
Merryn | Matthews | Merryn Matthews | 2023 | 2023 | |
Sandeep | Mavadia | Sandeep Mavadia | Deep | 2006 | 2006 |
Heather | McAdam | Heather McAdam | 1994 | 1994 | |
James | McAllister | James McAllister | 2024 | 2024 | |
Mick | McHale | Mick McHale | 1981 | 1981 | |
Mark | McLean | Mark McLean | 1991 | 1996 | |
Earl | Merson | Earl Merson | 1998 | 2005 | |
Ian | Millar | Ian Millar | 1987 | 1989 | |
Keith | Millar | Keith Millar | 1987 | 1990 | |
Iain | Miller | Iain Miller | 1991 | 1991 | |
Ben | Millingen | Ben van Millingen | 1978 | 1983 | |
Dave | Milne | Dave Milne | Lummat | 1993 | 1996 |
Bill | Miners | Bill Miners | 2000 | 2000 | |
Janet | Morgan | Janet Morgan | 1981 | 1982 | |
Alistair | Morris | Alistair Morris | Ali | 1992 | 1994 |
Dickon | Morris | Dickon Morris | 2018 | 2024 | |
Juliet | Morse | Juliet Morse | 1996 | 2014 | |
Jenny | Moss | Jenny Moss | 1987 | 1988 | |
Chantalle | Mouwer | Chantalle Mouwer | 2006 | 2006 | |
Richard | Mundy | Richard Mundy | 2007 | 2007 | |
Phil | Murphy | Phil Murphy | 1989 | 1989 | |
Juliette | Nash | Juliette Nash | 1987 | 1988 | |
Isaac | Neale | Isaac Neale | Issac | 2024 | 2024 |
Viz | Neogi | Viz Neogi | 2015 | 2015 | |
George | North | George North | 2007 | 2007 | |
Amelia | Oliver | Amelia Oliver | Mealy | 2022 | 2023 |
Elaine | Oliver | Elaine Oliver | 2014 | 2017 | |
Brian | Outram | Brian Outram | 1996 | 2004 | |
Clive | Owen | Clive Owen | 1980 | 1981 | |
Neil | Pacey | Neil Pacey | 1999 | 2014 | |
Florian | Parhofer | Florian Parhofer | 2023 | 2023 | |
Sarah | Parker | Sarah Parker | 2015 | 2024 | |
Tim | Parker | Tim Parker | 1981 | 1982 | |
Rob | Parker | Rob Parker | 1981 | 1981 | |
John | Parrington | John Parrington | 1984 | 1984 | |
Charlotte | Payne | Charlotte Payne | 2022 | 2025 | |
Ian | Peachey | Ian Peachey | Peachey | 2016 | 2024 |
John | Pegler | John Pegler | 1999 | 1999 | |
Richie | Perotton | Richie Perotton | 1992 | 1992 | |
Steve | Perry | Steve Perry | 1977 | 1981 | |
Mike | Perryman | Mike Perryman | 1977 | 1980 | |
Nial | Peters | Nial Peters | 2004 | 2011 | |
Gareth | Phillips | Gareth Phillips | 2009 | 2011 | |
Thomas | Phillips | Thomas Phillips | Bigtom | 2023 | 2025 |
Mike | Pigram | Mike Pigram | Mike TS | 1993 | 1994 |
Jonty | Pine | Jonty Pine | 2022 | 2025 | |
Jana | Podbelsek | Jana Podbelsek | 2023 | 2023 | |
Jacob | Podesta | Jacob Podesta | 2015 | 2017 | |
Serena | Povia | Serena Povia | 2008 | 2012 | |
Justin | Powell | Justin Powell | 1992 | 1992 | |
Nick | Proctor | Nick Proctor | 1993 | 1999 | |
Jacob | Pulaho | Jacob Pulaho-Smith | 2018 | 2018 | |
Claire | Purnell | Claire Purnell | 1990 | 1990 | |
Nadia | Raeburn | Nadia Raeburn-Cherradi | 2017 | 2023 | |
Roxanne | Ramsay | Roxanne Ramsay | Roxy | 2015 | 2015 |
Charlie | Rayner | Charlie Rayner | 2025 | 2025 | |
Nick | Reckert | Nick Reckert | 1977 | 1977 | |
Simon | Redhead | Simon Redhead | 2002 | 2002 | |
Penny | Reeves | Penny Reeves | 1988 | 1996 | |
Mike | Richardson | Mike Richardson | Mike TA | 1984 | 2012 |
Rover | Richardson | Rover Richardson | 1984 | 1990 | |
Rob | Rignall | Rob Rignall | 2015 | 2015 | |
Bob | Riley | Bob Riley | Long | 2000 | 2000 |
Del | Robinson | Del Robinson | 1988 | 1991 | |
Mark | Roddick | Mark Roddick | 1985 | 1988 | |
Christine | Rodgers | Christine Rodgers | 1992 | 1992 | |
Jeremy | Rodgers | Jeremy Rodgers | 1988 | 1996 | |
Tony | Rooke | Tony Rooke | 1990 | 2009 | |
Todd | Rye | Todd Rye | 2018 | 2024 | |
Martin | Sabry | Martin Sabry | 1994 | 1994 | |
Hugh | Salter | Hugh Salter | 1988 | 1991 | |
Michael | Sargent | Michael Sargent | Mike | 2014 | 2019 |
Philip | Sargent | Philip Sargent | 1982 | 2025 | |
Haydon | Saunders | Haydon Saunders | 2016 | 2018 | |
Tanya | Savage | Tanya Savage | 1989 | 1999 | |
Mark | Scott | Mark Scott | 1990 | 1992 | |
Alice | Shackley | Alice Shackley | 2017 | 2019 | |
Chris | Sharman | Chris Sharman | 1985 | 1988 | |
Sue | Sharman | Sue Sharman | 1988 | 1988 | |
Ben | Shaw | Ben Shaw | 2002 | 2002 | |
Mike | Shearme | Mike Shearme | 1978 | 1978 | |
Wayne | Sheldon | Wayne Sheldon | 2001 | 2001 | |
Julian | Shilton | Julian Shilton | 1991 | 1993 | |
Mark | Shinwell | Mark Shinwell | 1999 | 2024 | |
Martin | Sluka | Martin Sluka | 2002 | 2002 | |
Alice | Smith | Alice Smith | 2016 | 2016 | |
Caroline | Smith | Caroline Smith | 1985 | 1985 | |
Chris | Smith | Chris Smith | 2010 | 2011 | |
Elliott | Smith | Elliott Smith | 2015 | 2017 | |
Gail | Smith | Gail Smith | 1983 | 1989 | |
Lisa | Smith | Lisa Smith | 2018 | 2018 | |
Paul | Smith | Paul Smith | 1989 | 1991 | |
Neil | Smith | Neil Smith | 2018 | 2018 | |
Noel | Snape | Noel Snape | 2009 | 2014 | |
Luke | Stangroom | Luke Stangroom | 2015 | 2023 | |
Thom | Starnes | Thom Starnes | 2017 | 2017 | |
William | Stead | William Stead | 1990 | 1997 | |
Joe | Stell | Joe Stell | 2023 | 2025 | |
Ollie | Stevens | Ollie Stevens | 2007 | 2009 | |
Alex | Stirling | Alex Stirling | 2018 | 2018 | |
Jess | Stirrups | Jess Stirrups | 2008 | 2014 | |
Joel | Stobbart | Joel Stobbart | 2022 | 2025 | |
Therese | Stolle | Therese Stolle | 2011 | 2012 | |
Beryl | Strike | Beryl Strike | 1982 | 1982 | |
Evelyn | Surman | Evelyn Surman | 2023 | 2023 | |
Peter | Swain | Peter Swain | 1990 | 1990 | |
Pete | Talling | Pete Talling | 2013 | 2019 | |
Gwenllian | Tawy | Gwenllian Tawy | Gwen | 2022 | 2022 |
Aila | Taylor | Aila Taylor | 2024 | 2024 | |
Jon | Telling | Jon Telling | 1999 | 2007 | |
Bier | Tent | Bier Tent | 1999 | 2024 | |
Paul | Theobald | Paul Theobald | 1990 | 1990 | |
Mike | Thomas | Mike Thomas | 1982 | 1989 | |
Mick | Thompson | Mick Thompson | 1999 | 2001 | |
Nick | Thorne | Nick Thorne | 1977 | 1980 | |
Sam | Tittensor | Sam Tittensor | 2024 | 2024 | |
Julian | Todd | Julian Todd | 1989 | 2016 | |
Jon | Toft | Jon Arne Toft | 2018 | 2019 | |
Phil | Townsend | Phil Townsend | 1981 | 1982 | |
Liam | Tracy | Liam Tracy | 2024 | 2024 | |
Kai | Trusson | Kai Trusson | 2023 | 2025 | |
Frank | Tully | Frank Tully | 2002 | 2025 | |
Rachel | Turnbull | Rachel Turnbull | 2015 | 2022 | |
Francis | Turner | Francis Turner | 1990 | 1990 | |
Tobias | Turner | Tobias Turner | 2022 | 2022 | |
Helen | Twelftree | Helen Twelftree | 1994 | 1999 | |
Phil | Underwood | Phil Underwood | 1996 | 2018 | |
Natalie | Uomini | Natalie Uomini | 2008 | 2018 | |
Jack | Upsall | Jack Upsall | 1976 | 1976 | |
Muff | Upsall | Muff Upsall | 1976 | 1976 | |
Hannah | Urquhart | Hannah Urquhart-Greaves | 2025 | 2025 | |
Tim | Vasby | Tim Vasby-Burnie | 1998 | 1998 | |
Djuke | Veldhuis | Djuke Veldhuis | 2007 | 2011 | |
Lucia | Vittorini | Lucia Vittorini | 2003 | 2003 | |
Andy | Waddington | Andy Waddington | Wadders | 1977 | 2015 |
Michael | Waddington | Michael Waddington | 2015 | 2015 | |
James | Waite | James Waite | Hagrid | 2023 | 2025 |
David | Walker | David Walker | 2014 | 2016 | |
Hannah | Walker | Hannah Walker | 2012 | 2012 | |
Ian | Walker | Ian Walker | 2009 | 2012 | |
Julian | Walker | Julian Walker | 1981 | 1981 | |
Nathan | Walker | Nathan Walker | 2015 | 2023 | |
Stuart | Walker | Stuart Walker | Stu | 2011 | 2013 |
Paul | Walko | Paul Walko | 2022 | 2022 | |
Becky | Ward | Becky Ward | 1982 | 1983 | |
Martin | Warren | Martin Warren | 1981 | 1981 | |
Patrick | Warren | Patrick Warren | 2018 | 2018 | |
Radost | Waszkiewicz | Radost Waszkiewicz | 2017 | 2023 | |
Matt | Watson | Matt Watson | 2013 | 2015 | |
Rob | Watson | Rob Watson | Wob Rotson | 2014 | 2024 |
Max | Weiser | Max Weiser | 2018 | 2023 | |
Henri | Welbourne | Henri Welbourne | 1991 | 1992 | |
Sam | Wenham | Sam Wenham | 2014 | 2019 | |
Jared | West | Jared West | 1987 | 1990 | |
Ben | Whetton | Ben Whetton | 2015 | 2015 | |
Sarah | White | Sarah White | 2005 | 2007 | |
Tina | White | Tina White | 1985 | 1999 | |
Phil | Wigglesworth | Phil Wigglesworth | Wiggy | 1983 | 1984 |
Heather | Wild | Heather Wild | 1999 | 1999 | |
Jerry | Williams | Jerry Williams | 1992 | 1992 | |
Jon | Williams | Jon Williams | John | 1991 | 1991 |
Emma | Wilson | Emma Wilson | 2005 | 2012 | |
Robert | Winkler | Robert Winkler | 1997 | 1997 | |
Philip | Withnall | Philip Withnall | 2017 | 2018 | |
Zac | Woodford | Zac Woodford | 2023 | 2024 | |
Russell | Woodger | Russell Woodger | 2025 | 2025 | |
Ben | Wright | Ben Wright | 2015 | 2015 | |
Manfred | Wuits | Manfred Wuits | 2018 | 2023 | |
Aiora | Zabala | Aiora Zabala | 2011 | 2011 | |
Sarah | Zerbes | Sarah Livia Zerbes | 2011 | 2012 | |
Fiona | Zhang | Fiona Zhang | 2024 | 2024 |
This is the list of people on expo this year.
Person | slug | aliases |
evelyn-surman | None | None |
charlie-crossley | None | None |
emily-mabbett | None | None |
luke-stangroom | None | None |
ben-chaddock | None | None |
becka-lawson | None | None |
manfred-wuits | None | None |
ely-brookes-hefetz | None | None |
maddie-kirby | None | None |
nadia-raeburn-cherradi | None | None |
radost-waszkiewicz | None | None |
buck-blake | None | None |
will-kay | None | None |
thomas-phillips | None | None |
james-waite | None | None |
adam-aldridge | None | None |
ashley-gregg | None | None |
florian-parhofer | None | None |
bier-tent | None | None |
adam-erskine-jones | None | None |
merryn-matthews | None | None |
joe-stell | None | None |
emma-caspers | None | None |
sam-lee | None | None |
mike-butcher | None | None |
christian-kuhlmann | None | None |
philip-sargent | None | None |
max-weiser | None | None |
david-botcherby | None | None |
harry-kettle | None | None |
jonty-pine | None | None |
nathan-walker | None | None |
adam-baldock | None | None |
janis-huns | None | None |
sarah-parker | None | None |
kai-trusson | None | None |
lea-giguere-richards | None | None |
ruairidh-macleod | None | None |
joel-stobbart | None | None |
hannah-collings | None | None |
jono-lester | None | None |
lizzie-caisley | None | None |
oakem-kyne | None | None |
mark-shinwell | None | None |
zac-woodford | None | None |
honorata-bogusz | None | None |
alice-kirby | None | None |
jana-podbelsek | None | None |
rob-watson | None | None |
philip-balister | None | None |
wassil-janssen | None | None |
charlotte-payne | None | None |
frank-tully | None | None |
martin-green | None | None |
amelia-oliver | None | None |
And these are people known to us, who appear as survex *team members or in logbook participant lists, but are not expo members and so are not managed or reported: Aiko, Arndt Karger, Dominik Jauch, Florian Gruner, Fritz Mammel, Gunter Graf, Helmut Stopka-Ebeler, K. Jäger, Kai Schwekend, Karl Gaisberger, Marcus Scheuermann, Marcus Scheuerman, Mark Morgan, P. Jeutter, R. Seebacher, Regina Kaiser, Robert Seebacher, S. Steinberger, Sepp Steinberger, Thilo Müller, Uli Schütz, Wieland Scheuerle,
Don't blame me [programmer] for this, it's just what you all have collectively done over the decades by using this absurd variety of short-form name formats when you have entered the cave data.
The code that does this is in troggle/parsers/