Stuff returned to T-store by Frank/Wookey via BCRA conf
Returned on 2010-09-27
- Survey folders x2
- sesh book
- bier book
- Wessex journal #321 (frnaks?)
- Expo logbook
- Pair of glasses + strap in grey nike case
- Mouse
- VGA cable
- SAP #1 & #3
- Wook's DistoX
- 3 laser tapes
- 7 analog instruments
- Expo receipts
- 3 x drill bag karriment + 2 spare bits
- Drills x2, makita
- Batts x4, Makita
- Mains makita charger
- 12V charger
- Black HD drybag x2
- Green light drybag
- 2 medium weight drybags (black)
- 9 tacklesacks
- 2 small T-sacks (for drills)
- 5 'tectors (1 bent <unreadable>, 4 PVC
- Rpoe marking kit (Yellow HS, pens scissors - ho heater or
clear HS
- Insuation tape rolls (blue, earth, red, grn, brown, grey,
white, black, mostly unused
- 1st Aid kit (bottle)
- setting tool
- 10 hilti HKDs
- 46 screwgates + 9 unmarked
- 8 snapgates + 2 non-club tape (1 yellow, 1 red/white/blue)
- 1 grigri
- 1 bolting hammer (petzl)
- 87 hangers+maillons
- 45 slings
- 2 central MRs
- 1 cut sling
- 4 deviation cords
- 1 kneepad
- 1 blue hood