Sesh 3

Account short name: sesh-3
Number of transactions: 8

Negative amounts indicate that Sesh 3 is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-08-03Chris Densham 0.02Unlucky
2010-08-03Chris Densham 8.84 (10.40 EUR)Unknown item
2010-08-03Chris Densham 2.12 (2.50 EUR)Unknown item
2010-08-03Chris Densham 2.12 (2.50 EUR)Unknown item
2010-08-03Frank Tully 2.12 (2.50 EUR)Unknown item
2010-08-03Frank Tully 2.72 (3.20 EUR)Food
2010-08-03Frank Tully 6.20 (7.30 EUR)Food
2010-08-03Frank Tully -24.14 (-28.40 EUR)Payment for whole sesh (doesn't add up in Sesh Book; total quoted as 32.50 EUR FIXME)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.