Keith Curtis

Account short name: keith-curtis
Number of transactions: 10

Negative amounts indicate that Keith Curtis is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2008-09-26Administration -0.10Unlucky: arithmetic error from administration split
2008-09-26Administration -3.251/20 of the total from Administration (-65.10)
2008-09-26Campsite fees -0.11Unlucky: arithmetic error from campsite-fees split
2008-09-26Campsite fees -6.751/251 of the total from Campsite fees (-1694.83)
2008-09-26Consumables -0.11Unlucky: arithmetic error from consumables split
2008-09-26Consumables -0.642/390 of the total from Consumables (-125.68)
2008-09-26Food -0.08Unlucky: arithmetic error from food split
2008-09-26Food -2.692/390 of the total from Food (-524.95)
2008-09-26Transport in Austria -0.06Unlucky: arithmetic error from transport-in-austria split
2008-09-26Transport in Austria -2.922/390 of the total from Transport in Austria (-569.61)
Grand total:-16.71

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Processed at 10:42 on 2008-09-26.