Printing entire survey only outputs centre-lines

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When I try printing my entire survey I only get the centreline, plus a small bit of the most left hand passage rendered on the printer.

Steps to reproduce:

- Open sketch
- Update Everything
- Select 'Print' from menu
- Choose a printer
- Set the scale to span 4 x A4 pages
- Ouput from printer is as follows (sample from edge of page)

Almost the entire cave is only printed as a centre-line plot, except for the left hand edge which you can see in the print sample below, where the passage is rendered, plus a few symbols are rendered slightly further to the right.

Note: This problem is not seen when I compile the source checked out from cvs with the sticky date 01 Nov. 2006

I can't recreate since I don't have a printer very accessible here in Cambridge. Is there an exception thrown during the printing process, which would explain how you got two areas drawn, not the ajoining outlines? Goatchurch 19:22, 25 February 2007 (GMT)

I don't see anything to indicate a problem in the output window. It just outputs the usual 'Page 0  : calls 0' type of information. I can reproduce this without needing a printer, by selecting the printer driver for a postscript printer and ticking the 'print to file' checkbox. Then view the output file with GSView/Ghostscript.

I've confirmed that this bug was introduced into the source on 2nd Jan. 2007. Unfortunately it seems a lot of files were checked in that day, but as least it might help narrow down the search a bit. I'm compiling using Java 1.6.0

--Footleg 16:54, 26 February 2007 (GMT)

Printout sample to illustrate issue

Confirmed fixed in latest code. --Footleg 11:11, 29 March 2007 (BST)
