Messages from Tunnel

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Messages from Tunnel... what do these mean?

Tunnel produces a lot of somewhat cryptic messages. Some of them are listed below. If you know what they mean and/or can classify them into Errors, Warnings, or Not Errors, please move them into the appropriate category below.

Unsorted Messages

unconn-node 12892

nnnnnn 5

Mismatch label station head: shiwang_tiankeng^f602 48h-h12-1-sanwang.shiwang_tiankeng.f602

lll?? setting font style passage

Missing default on style: HoupingPlanesBlack

creating Houping (selectable) shortname Houping
creating HoupingBlob (selectable) shortname HoupingBlob

only renderable linestyles please

Upper subset greyedsets not found of greyed in style: default

-EEE- 2

strange index setting 1

Error Messages

Warning Messages

Messages that are not Errors
