Fri 02 Aug 2013 - logbook Mike's last day + it was hot. Walked to Tunnocks entrance then hacked N then W in a big loop with Mike + Martin's GPS. Found a couple of areas pepppered with pits + another area with 3 drafting holes which needs looking at carefully as very promising. 6 hours walking. Becka, Matt Watson, Mike Futrell North of Tunnocks prospecting 25 located entrances ! . It is BMN in the M31 code area. We will accept it as input to our standard G&K cs using this ; BMN M31 coordinate system input. Note the easting offset: *cs custom "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=13d20 +k=1 +x_0=+450000 +y_0=-5000000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232" *fix p2013-bl-01 reference 486492 284508 1859 ; alt is srtm *entrance p2013-bl-01 According to we can convert these M31 BMN coordinates to GK by subtracting from the easting and adding to the northing like this (watch that use of . as a , thousands separator) Umrechnung von BMN nach GK M31 BMN-Koordinate − 450,000 m BMN-Koordinate + 5.000,000 m 2013-cucc-draftyholes 486296 284480 1787 2013-cucc-pit 486520 284581 1840 2013-cucc-pitarea 486423 284622 1828 2013-cucc-goodpit 486104 284465 1796 2023-cucc-22mpit 486057 284523 1805 2013-cucc-lineofpits 486039 284535 1808 2013-cucc-12mpit 486071 284372 1815 2013-cucc-20mpit 486186 284741 1862 In the following, the typing omits the M31 and the BMN bits: 2013-2.1s-drop M31 486032 BMN 284555 1820 12:58 becomes 2013-2.1s-drop 486032 284555 1820 ; 12:58 (the time of the readng becomes a survex comment) 2013-cucc-01 486512 284436 1825 ; 11:02 2013-cucc-01B 486492 284508 1828 ; 11:37 2013-cucc-01cp 486507 284580 1843 ; 11:44 2013-cucc-rift 486410 284622 1835 ; 12:00 2013-cucc-slope 486485 284591 1844 ; 11:51 2013-snowplug2 486042 284531 1813 ; 13:03 2013-draft4pit ; * GOOD 486374 284438 1786 ; 13:58 2013-DraftHole 486277 284716 1856 ; 12:28 2013-goodpit 486090 284456 1797 ; 13:16 2013-setofsnowholes 486060 284584 1848 ; 12:51 2013-stotp20 486176 284738 1864 ; 12:37 2013-snowplug 486349 284666 1833 ; 12:13 2013-cucc-01-DUP ; marked as duplicate 486519 284448 1823 2013-cucc-draft4pit ; marked as duplicate 486375 284447 1774 2013-cucc-draft3pit 486332 284428 1769 2013-cucc-shelter1 486533 284546 1831 2013-cucc-draft2pit 486333 284485 1779 2013-cucc-01B - pitch near to 2013-cucc-01 2013-2.5secDrop Need to check paper copies