These should be used on conjunction with the photos I took which are also geocoded for location. Plateau prospecting includes 3 finds beyond Fischgesicht and GlucklichSmetterling. North of top camp includes the cairned routes to Tunnocks and Organhohle, but also two side cairned routes (not by us this year, either previous years' routes or hunters' routes) and a not-recommended route back to top camp (steinbruckenhohle) round the other side of the Niederes Augst-Eck hill from the normal route via Tunnocks. This includes a possible find in deep bunde close to top camp "cave pit": 47.692014° N , 13.822804° E , 1860m alt. These were using some else's Garmin (can't remember whose). On returning tot he UK I discoveed that gpsbabel barfs on these files because they have a item in the XML of two types: gpxtpx and wptx1. The files with "clean" in their name have had these lines removed. Philip