On Sun, 16 Oct 2022 at 19:56, Andy Waddington wrote: Sometime before sending "Philip Sargent (Gmail)" typed (and on Sun, 16 Oct 2022 18:32:41 +0300 sent): > With your excellent record-keeping, do you have any more scans of pages of > this: > (the page is a bit slow, the code needs tweaking) > https://expo.survex.com/survey_scans/1984AndysNotebook/ > we seem to only have half a dozen pages. > > or this, though it seems complete > https://expo.survex.com/survey_scans/1984BrownLandscapeNotebook/ I have no more scans for either (I have pages 3 to 8 of the first, and 40-43 of the second - you seem to have more than that, so I might need to search more assiduously). But I do, however, have the notebooks, so that can be rectified. Pages 5/6, 9/10, 13/14, 27-29 and 44 of the Landscape one are indeed blank, so I think what you have is complete. Page 49 is a bit sad isn't it ? And that's definitely my handwriting :-( Most of 1984AndysNotebook is NPC stuff in the UK, though there are a couple more pages of expo - instrument numbers & Co. The surface survey which looked at first glance to be expo turns out to be Dead Dobbin Pot, which I think was near Large Pot so not relevant here. I have a better scanner than the one I was using in 2005, though the advantage of an A3 flatbed for noteboks this size is possibly moot ! I have 1983 survey books 1 and 3, and there seem to be more pages of info than there are scans in the website 1983#01 and 1983#03 folders. There's a yellow notebook with a lot of reasonably detailed sketches of a long surface survey. Probably the survex files will know which year - the notebook rather sadly neglects to mention any dates :-( There's a very muddy 1982 notebook with a lot of survey in it, mostly mine and Chas/Planc. There's a tiny REI waterproof notebook with a lot of workings for the Notts Pot 2 "survey" but also seems to have some expo stuff in it, mostly notes on the geology/geomorphology of Chicken Flied Nice taken on a solo trip I did, rather than any actual survey. I'm sure I set out to scan all of these 17 years ago, but seem to have only got part way through. There must be some more notes somewhere, though the rest may be Masongill Lane and Hammer Pot stuff. At least one of the notebooks went underground in the Picos too, but doesn't have anything useful from those trips... Hmm, there's another notebook in the pile which says "Miss Johnson, 5, St. Paul's Drive, Lancaster". That will be family history, then, and definitely in the wrong pile ! Maybe I need to search the family history archives (two large trunks and over a score of ringbinders) to see if any survey data have got lost with those ! Keep nudging me periodically if these don't get done - I'm a bit busy at the moment re-insulating 75 m² of loft with PIR foam and throwing away fibreglass & rockwool in large quantities (mixed with straw, feathers, mouse shit in drifts etc.) and the project (which also involves rewiring most of the upstairs lighting) is a bit bigger than I'd imagined - c 3 months work during which my office is going to be colder than I'd like if I don't get on with it ! I'm about halfway through.... I notice there are a lot of complaints in the 1975#00 folder and no data. When asked about the original data and sketches for surveys done in 1975, I was informed that the notes were thrown away as soon as the surveys (such as they were) were drawn up. I'm pretty sure that applied to 1976 too, in particular to 1623/81. Most of the other drawings published in Cambridge Underground for that year were no more than grade 1 sketches based on rope lengths. I think I have some notes on 1623/76 (known as 106 at the time) which were done by taking bearings and counting rungs on pitches, but this is not in the notebook pile - it will be in a ringbinder somewhere I think. Andy