Camping / Spud Hut bill payment

Account short name: camping-payment
Number of transactions: 3

Negative amounts indicate that Camping / Spud Hut bill payment is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-08-20Becka Lawson and Julian Todd -718.42 (-845.20 EUR)Campsite bill
2010-08-21Camping Fees for Base Camp 639.20 (752.00 EUR)Transfer to payment account (94 nights) -- price used is that from the Staudnwirt website (8 EUR/night)
2010-08-21Spud Hut Fees 79.22 (93.20 EUR)Transfer to payment account
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 21:43 on 2012-03-12.