Aaron Todd

Account short name: aaron-todd
Number of transactions: 10

Negative amounts indicate that Aaron Todd is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-07-20Food -3.17 (-3.89 Euros)bier tally
2010-07-20Administration -0.431/21 of the total from Administration (-9.12)
2010-07-20Other communal gear -2.397/401 of the total from Other communal gear (-137.27)
2010-07-20Consumables -1.817/359 of the total from Consumables (-93.30)
2010-07-20Food -12.227/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Grants Pool 57.501/20 of the total from Grants Pool (1150.00)
2010-07-20Kitty -57.565/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Sesh 3 -2.613.20/26.10 of the total from Sesh 3 (-21.29)
2010-07-20Stuff given to Austrians -1.971/21 of the total from Stuff given to Austrians (-41.38)
2010-07-20Transport in Austria -4.317/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
Grand total:-28.97

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Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.